Bee-ing In Service to the Hive

Bee-ing In Service
to the Hive















After climbing Sugar Mountain and realizing that no amount of material success can satiate the deeper craving in our soul, we may set out to find a different kind of sweetness.


The sweetness of service.


In this stage, the honeybee is our guide. 


The honeybee finds fulfillment and purpose through devotion to the hive. Here, the priority is no longer to serve one's own personal preference but rather to serve a mutual preference and amplify each other.

In The Second Mountain, author David Brooks describes what we call the Second Stage “beehive” mentality as a sincere and passionate commitment to "...a vocation, a spouse and family, a philosophy or faith, or a community." But beware. This is the stage where we find fulfillment, but if we are not careful, the frenetic busyness that fueled so much of our climb up Sugar Mountain can bleed into this Honeybee Stage and we can fall into the trap of overgiving. How quickly can the philanthropic venture become a new source of stress? How many people in the non-profit sector are disillusioned, overworked and facing the same “burnout” as the corporate CEO? 

This is what led us to discover the Third Stage of BEQOMING.










After climbing Sugar Mountain and realizing that no amount of material success can satiate the deeper craving in our soul, we may set out to find a different kind of sweetness.


The sweetness of service.


In this stage, the honeybee is our guide. 


The honeybee finds fulfillment and purpose through devotion to the hive. Here, the priority is no longer to serve one's own personal preference but rather to serve a mutual preference and amplify each other.

In The Second Mountain, author David Brooks describes what we call the Second Stage “beehive” mentality as a sincere and passionate commitment to "...a vocation, a spouse and family, a philosophy or faith, or a community." But beware. This is the stage where we find fulfillment, but if we are not careful, the frenetic busyness that fueled so much of our climb up Sugar Mountain can bleed into this Honeybee Stage and we can fall into the trap of overgiving. How quickly can the philanthropic venture become a new source of stress? How many people in the non-profit sector are disillusioned, overworked and facing the same “burnout” as the corporate CEO? 

This is what led us to discover the Third Stage of BEQOMING.



Create a space free of distractions and have a notebook handy, then…

  1. Watch the 4 minute Media as Medicine video and absorb Azrya and Bee’s personal commitment to impact and service as an example of the 2nd stage in action. Everyone’s experience of the “Bee Stage” is different, but there are archetypal patterns and similarities woven throughout that will likely resonate on some level. 
  2. Set a timer for a minimum of 10 minutes and then free-flow your answers to the following essential questions. Don’t overthink. Just start.

Directed by Azrya Bequer

Editing: Archie Short
Cinematography: Archie Short, Adrian Brown, Andre Duqum

Create a space free of distractions and have a notebook handy, then…


  1. Watch the 4 minute Media as Medicine video and absorb Azrya and Bee’s personal commitment to impact and service as an example of the 2nd stage in action. Everyone’s experience of the “Bee Stage” is different, but there are archetypal patterns and similarities woven throughout that will likely resonate on some level. 
  2. Set a timer for a minimum of 10 minutes and then free-flow your answers to the following essential questions. Don’t overthink. Just start.

Directed by Azrya Bequer

Editing: Archie Short
Cinematography: Archie Short, Adrian Brown, Andre Duqum

Q: What is my contribution to the world?
Where can I give more? Where can I receive more?


Q: Where am I overgiving from an empty cup? How can I fill my cup?

Q: What is my contribution to the world? Where can I give more? Where can I receive more?


Q: Where am I overgiving from an empty cup? How can I fill my cup?