The Land of Home & Honey

Bee-ing In Service
to the Hive















We don't climb honey. We become one with honey by remembering we were never separate from it in the first place.

What does BEQOMING one with it require? The willingness to surrender our attachments to personal and mutual preferences and move beyond preference. As David Deida reminds us, in this Third Stage “...we allow ourselves to actively be lived by something larger than ourselves” and “the boundaries of who we think we are disappear”. This requires radical trust in life’s intelligence to guide us better than we can guide ourselves toward embodying who we were designed to be. Once that trust is authentically integrated into every fiber of our being/operating system it allows for a joyful, easeful and even playful collaboration with the Universe. 

This is when we begin to live in The Land of Home and Honey and experience the sweetness of flow and the remembering that true home is not a place, but an eternal KNOWING that lives inside of each one of us; edgeless and selfless, just like honey.

It is in this Third Stage that we begin to receive everything we didn’t know we wanted.

But first, we must be willing to face and embrace all aspects of ourselves that believe we are separate, and liberate them from fear. This process is not for the faint of heart. It requires us to confront the reality of death and transcend our attachments to the five senses/physical plane.

Once we taste the nutrient dense sweetness that lies beyond our human survival fears - even if just for a brief moment - it is very hard to go back, for we have recognized that the most sustainable resource in the Universe is Love itself, and nothing less than that will do.










We don't climb honey. We become one with honey by remembering we were never separate from it in the first place.

What does BEQOMING one with it require? The willingness to surrender our attachments to personal and mutual preferences and move beyond preference. As David Deida reminds us, in this Third Stage “...we allow ourselves to actively be lived by something larger than ourselves” and “the boundaries of who we think we are disappear”. This requires radical trust in life’s intelligence to guide us better than we can guide ourselves toward embodying who we were designed to be. Once that trust is authentically integrated into every fiber of our being/operating system it allows for a joyful, easeful and even playful collaboration with the Universe. 

This is when we begin to live in The Land of Home and Honey and experience the sweetness of flow and the remembering that true home is not a place, but an eternal KNOWING that lives inside of each one of us; edgeless and selfless, just like honey.

It is in this Third Stage that we begin to receive everything we didn’t know we wanted.

But first, we must be willing to face and embrace all aspects of ourselves that believe we are separate, and liberate them from fear. This process is not for the faint of heart. It requires us to confront the reality of death and transcend our attachments to the five senses/physical plane.

Once we taste the nutrient dense sweetness that lies beyond our human survival fears - even if just for a brief moment - it is very hard to go back, for we have recognized that the most sustainable resource in the Universe is Love itself, and nothing less than that will do.


Create a space free of distractions and have a notebook handy, then…

  1. Watch the 18 minute Media as Medicine video and absorb the 3rd Stage “honey” frequency of pure love that flowed freely during Azrya and Bee’s wedding. Everyone’s experience of the “Honey Stage” is different, but there are archetypal patterns and similarities woven throughout that will likely resonate on some level.
  2. Set a timer for a minimum of 10 minutes and then free-flow your answer to the essential question below. Don’t overthink. Just start. 

Directed by Azrya Bequer & Archie Short

Editing: Archie Short
Cinematography: Archie Short, Adrian Brown, Victoria Rochelle Stein

Create a space free of distractions and have a notebook handy, then…


  1. Watch the 18 minute Media as Medicine video and absorb the 3rd Stage “honey” frequency of pure love that flowed freely during Azrya and Bee’s wedding. Everyone’s experience of the “Honey Stage” is different, but there are archetypal patterns and similarities woven throughout that will likely resonate on some level.
  2. Set a timer for a minimum of 10 minutes and then free-flow your answer to the essential question below. Don’t overthink. Just start.

Directed by Azrya Bequer & Archie Short

Editing: Archie Short
Cinematography: Archie Short, Adrian Brown, Victoria Rochelle Stein
Find the question that's most alive for you right now.
Make it personal. Make it deep.
Now, breathe into the question and identify what your preferred answer might look like. 

As you breathe into it, move beyond your personal
and then ask yourself, in this situation...









Find the question that's most alive for you right now. Make it personal. Make it deep.
Now, breathe into the question and identify what your preferred answer might look like. 

As you breathe into it, move beyond your personal preference and then ask yourself, in this situation...

Q: What would Love choose?

Q: Beyond Preference, what would Love choose?