Just the simple fact that you have found yourself on this page is an indication that you are ready to expand in significant ways.
Just like you, this page will evolve over time as new material is added and refined.
These resources have all significantly impacted us on our personal journey of awakening. Please feel free to share them far and wide with anyone who you feel may benefit from them.

Check out Azrya's latest article What Burning Man and Bananas Taught Me About Manifestation
Podcasts - Fan Favorites
Other Podcasts
- Heal Thyself with Dr. Gonzalez - "Why Relationships Fail"
- Optimal Performance with Sean McCormick - "How to Transform Your Life"
- Psychedelic Entrepreneur with Beth Weinstein - "Ayahuasca for BEQOMING"
- The Myths That Make Us with Erick Godsey - "Benjamin and Azrya Bequer"
- The Unique Way with Cortney Ostrosky - "BEQOMING: Everything You Didn't Know You Wanted"
- Deja Blu with Blu - "A Well-F*cked, Well Rested Woman is a Force to be Reckoned With" [ Azrya only ]
- Awakened Love with Angelika Alana - "Finding Your Wild, True Love and Being a Psychonaut" [ Azrya only]
- MoMENtum with Blake Worrall Thompson - "Insights From An Inspiring Relationship"
- The Mountain Top for Men with Scot McKay - "Ayahuasca Made Me A Better Man" [ Bee only ]
- Life (UN)Closeted with Rick Clemons - "BEQOMING You - The Deeper You"
- Nimai Delgado Podcast with Nimai Delgado - "The Art of BEQOMING Your Truest Self"
- Dear Men with Melanie Curtin - "Opposites Attract, But Can They Repair?"
- Master Mind Body and Spirit with Matt Belair - "BEQOMING Everything You Didn't Know You Wanted"
- Mind Love with Melissa Monte - "BEQOMING Who You Are Designed To Be"
Azrya Bequer’s Articles:

Articles About BEQOMING:

Your Invitations
The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, by Charles Eistenstein
The Untethered Soul, by Michael A. Singer
The Second Mountain, by David Brooks
Becoming Supernatural, by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Existential Kink, by Carolyn Elliott, PhD
Recapture the Rapture, by Jamie Wheal
Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktr E. Frankl
The Art of Learning, by Josh Waitzkin
Conscious Loving, by Gay Hendricks
The Courage to be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga
Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think, by Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler
The Surrender Experiment, by Michael A. Singer
The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron
Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom
Your Brain on Love, by Stan Tatkin
Who Says You Can't Do It, by Daniel Chidiac
Dying To Be Me, by Anita Moorjani
Inner Engineering, by Sadhguru
The Obstacle Is the Way, Ryan Holiday
The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman
The ONE Thing, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The Lion Trackers Guide to Life, by Boyd Varty
Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality, by Anthony de Mello
Trusted Teachers / Community
THE GENE KEYS: A plethora of teaching, free resources and in-depth trainings. The Gene Keys is one of the most important body of psycho-spiritual work available to us today:
DR JOE DISPENZA: Joe combines neuroscience and spirituality in a profound way and is transforming and often saving lives through the power of meditation.
RUSSELL BRAND: Russell focuses his healing work on recovery and uses his wit and humor to illuminate how we don't have to be alcoholics to suffer the pain of addiction.
CHARLES EISENSTEIN: Charles is a visionary author and speaker, and shares his work for free in service to a new world.
AUBREY MARCUS: Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher, Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
TIM FERRIS: has been selected as “Best of” Apple Podcasts for three years running, It has now surpassed 600M downloads.
Plant Medicine / Psychedelics
The plant teachers are bringing tremendous healing and awakening to our planet, and times of crisis are the perfect opportunity to open your mind to the power of these medicines to help us navigate the deeper realms and untapped potentials of our subconscious.
Mushroom Expert Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan Podcast
Epic article with Tim Ferris in Fortune Magazine
The Reality of Truth - full documentary (Ayahuasca)
Short video on Ayahuasca from VICE
Psychedelics Are Going Mainstream, because the Mainstream Needs Them
The Guardian Magic Mushroom Article
Netflix "Mind Explained:" Episode on Psychedelics (20 mins)
How To Change Your Mind - book on psychedelics & plant medicine. This book was selected as one of The New York Times Book Review’s 10 Best Books of 2018:
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