W H Y N O W ?
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold lacquer—built on the idea that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.
In order for that beautification process to occur, though, the pottery has to break.
This is what the journey of BEQOMING demands of anyone stepping on this path.
There’s a cracking that’s occurring within all of us that is irrefutable. A part of you KNOWS this, and feels the ever-increasing intensity of the drumbeat inviting you to BEQOME an active participant in the larger, evolutionary process on Earth that is reaching its fever pitch.
Whether we choose to actively acknowledge it or not, it’s happening. The world is rapidly shapeshifting before our very eyes, and the raw force of evolution doesn’t give a fuck about our 401(k) comfort zones.
We cannot argue with or pretend away that our species is navigating a precarious tipping point moment in human history. It’s a choice point of epic proportions, and one that demands us to BEQOME resilient to the ever-changing tides of our uncertain future.
The only thing that is guaranteed in all of this is that death will need to be confronted along the way. Both literal and metaphorical. We are here with you to make this difficult and necessary acknowledgement of the cycle of life and death and to transform the death in your life into something truly beautiful.

What awaits us on the other side of this breakdown to breakthrough?
We believe it will be the beginning of a new reality, one that is up to us as individuals to co-create. We do this through the power of our heartfelt imagination and the sincere dedication to breaking the chains of generational trauma that have enslaved humanity for far too long. We must do this so the next generation does not have to inherit the same wounds we took on from our parents and those who came before them.
While we can’t possibly know who you are today, where you are starting your BEQOMING journey from, nor where it will lead you, we do know that new versions of you are ready to be born and that a new reality awaits you - one full of things you never knew you wanted. If any of the above has resonated with you, perhaps even touched something deep inside your soul that has been longing to be remembered, then you are in the right place.
W H Y N O W ?
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold lacquer—built on the idea that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.

In order for that beautification process to occur, though, the pottery has to break.
This is what the journey of BEQOMING demands of anyone stepping on this path.
There’s a cracking that’s occurring within all of us that is irrefutable. A part of you KNOWS this, and feels the ever-increasing intensity of the drumbeat inviting you to BEQOME an active participant in the larger, evolutionary process on Earth that is reaching its fever pitch.
Whether we choose to actively acknowledge it or not, it’s happening. The world is rapidly shapeshifting before our very eyes, and the raw force of evolution doesn’t give a fuck about our 401(k) comfort zones.
We cannot argue with or pretend away that our species is navigating a precarious tipping point moment in human history. It’s a choice point of epic proportions, and one that demands us to BEQOME resilient to the ever-changing tides of our uncertain future.
The only thing that is guaranteed in all of this is that death will need to be confronted along the way. Both literal and metaphorical. We are here with you to make this difficult and necessary acknowledgement of the cycle of life and death and to transform the death in your life into something truly beautiful.
What awaits us on the other side of this breakdown to breakthrough?
We believe it will be the beginning of a new reality, one that is up to us as individuals to co-create. We do this through the power of our heartfelt imagination and the sincere dedication to breaking the chains of generational trauma that have enslaved humanity for far too long. We must do this so the next generation does not have to inherit the same wounds we took on from our parents and those who came before them.
While we can’t possibly know who you are today, where you are starting your BEQOMING journey from, nor where it will lead you, we do know that new versions of you are ready to be born and that a new reality awaits you - one full of things you never knew you wanted. If any of the above has resonated with you, perhaps even touched something deep inside your soul that has been longing to be remembered, then you are in the right place.